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Jul 2, 2014 | 1 minute read

Ecommerce Links: June 2014

written by Linda Bustos

It's that time again - enjoy these choice cuts of ecommerce goodness from around the Web.

  • Invesp shares examples of A/B tests that destroy myths A/B testing helped create.
  • How do you personalize for non-anonymous (nonymous?) visitors? Kevin Lindsay shares his tips at the Adobe Digital Marketing blog.
  • Conversion optimization is a mind game - let's face it. Knowing what motivates customers psychologically is power. Check out Site Tuners' 5 ways to use your visitors' cognitive biases to your advantage.
  • Also fascinating is the influence microcopy has on conversion.
  • The ever-entertaining Avinash Kaushik shares his insights on web design UX best practices. (His goal is to help you not settle for merely "sucking less."