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Jul 6, 2012 | 2 minute read

Making the Case for HTML5 [Infographic]

written by Linda Bustos

This week's infographic highlights the benefits of HTML5 for marketers, a trend that's growing fast, especially with mobile gaining traction among consumers.

Courtesy of Uberflip. Click image to enlarge.


HTML5: What Marketers Need to Know

You've likely heard the term 'HTML5' a lot recently, but what does it mean for marketers? HTML5 is a browser-based programming language that can make your content more accessible and interactive, with app-like usability and mobile-friendly delivery. THe growth of HTML5 is undeniable, and its benefits for marketers are clear. Here's more:

  • 48% of developers are already using HTML5

Key benefits for marketers:

  • Cross-platform
  • Searchable
  • Cost-effective
  • Accessible
  • 49% of U.S. mobile users prefer to use the browser vs. native apps

Main features of HTML5:

  • Rich media
  • Camera access
  • Geolocation
  • App-like behaviors

Build once, run anywhere

With HTML5, you can make your content automatically available on any web-enabled device. Here's a list of the browsers that support this web language.

Market Share

HTML5 Support
Internet Explorer 6-8


Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox


Mozilla Firefox


Internet Explorer 9


Apple Safari






YesGoogle Android





The future of HTML5

In 15 short months, we've seen HTML5 grow from idea to actualization. It is a trend that is likely to keep snowballing within the next few years.

By 2015, 80% of all mobile apps will be based wholly or in part on HTML5. 79% of mobile app developers plan to implement HTML5 in the near future.

Who's doing it?

Some of the biggest brands in the world are already using HTML5.

Financial Times

Many brands don't like being part of someone else's ecosystems because they lose control of pricing and subscribers. The Financial Times recently announced "it will shut off its iPad app completely following the success of its HTML5 web page" so that it can have full control over its applications.


Burrows Communications Agency created the "Ford Showroom" application for their client by utilizing HTML5. Burrows states that "the days of companies just wanting an iOS based application are over. Now, it's all about cross platform and how many Android tablets and iPads you can support. The cost savings of not developing twice can add up to the hundreds of thousands.


Vimeo used HTML5 for a self-hosted awards show because they wanted "the benefits of native app performance and user interface without the limitations of slower development time." With HTML5, one standard link operated across all devices and Vimeo didn't have to waste time and resources into building costly apps for various devices.

More stories on HTML5 from Get Elastic:

Escape From The Walled Garden: How HTML5 Trumps Native Mobile Apps

How to Support Video in Email

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